Upcoming Friends Helping Furends at HAWS

This is a volunteer group for adults with disabilities that either meets at HAWS or Journey21 with the purpose of helping out HAWS.

During the January and March events, participants will volunteer with things like filling hay bags, sweeping barn aisles, cleaning tack, assisting with cleaning small animals, laundry, dishes, filling kongs, and other miscellaneous tasks that must get done at the animal shelter. – TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED


In February, we will be making dog treats and toys in Journey21’s teaching kitchen to send back to HAWS.  The event that is held at Journey21 will be run by a HAWS staff member.

Upcoming Dates

Details Price Qty
Friends helping Furends - Januaryshow details + $37.50 USD  ea 
Friends helping Furends - Februaryshow details + $25.00 USD  ea 
Friends helping Furends - Marchshow details + $37.50 USD  ea 


Venue Phone: 262-399-0021

Venue Website:

1671 Old School House Road, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, 53066